FOOdIVERSE consortium meeting in Krakow
The FOOdIVERSE team met in Krakow on April 24-26, 2023. The host of the meeting was the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University.
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the research carried out so far. We summarized our analysis of consumption patterns in different socio-spatial contexts. A report is being prepared which uses data collected during focus groups in Norway, Poland, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. Another completed task concerns the legal framework of the food system, which was described on the basis of desk research and interviews with key informants. The team recently completed case studies of various food supply chains. The aim of the research was to search for interconnections between agrobiodiversity and the socio-economic organization of food provisioning.
FOODIVERSE Living Labs operate in each of the partner countries. During the consortium meeting, their current functioning was discussed. The exchange of experiences between teams allows us to better optimize the activities of individual Labs. Another benefit from the meeting was the planning of work related to the dissemination of research results. In the coming months, they will be presented during scientific conferences. Publications on various aspects of the diversity of food systems are also in preparation.