FOOdIVERSE mid-term meeting in Oslo

On August 29-31, 2022, the FOOdIVERSE consortium held a mid-term meeting. It was combined with
the ESA RN5 – Midterm Meeting of the Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, which took
place at Oslo Metropolitan University on August 31 – September 3. 2022. The program of the
Conference included the session “Diversity as a driver for more sustainable food systems”, which was
dedicated to presentation of the results of our research.

During these meetings, we focused on the interpretation of data collected thanks to FOOdIVERSE’s
research tasks. Studies assigned to Work Package 2 (Diversity in Food Cultures) provided important
information on the diversity of foodscapes. They seem to be linked to different levels of knowledge
assigned to actors occupying different positions in the food system.

Research under WP3 (Diversity in Supply Chains) made it possible to check how diverse are the food
products available in mainstream food supply chains. We also collected data on the decisions made
by farmers that affect the diversity of food they produce.

Work Package 4 is called Diversity in Governence. During the meeting, we discussed the results of
desk research on legal regulations and diversity of food policies in partner countries. Research on the
legal frames provide an in-depth picture of the processes shaping the food system.

Living Labs, which have been created as part of WP5, are an important part of our project. They
operate in collaboration with Local Food Networks. Our research has shown that they have great
potential for innovation and diversification of the food system.

FOOdIVERSE meeting has been held at Gartneriet Kongsgården (The King’s Farm). Then,
FOOdIVERSErs had unique opportunity to visit farms’ garden, taste its produce, and listen about
its history, goals, everyday work and challenges.

The project was co-financed by the NCBR, BMEL, MIPAAF, RCN and DEFRA within the framework of ERA-NET SUSFOOD and ERA-NET CORE Organic Cofund Joint Call program