Nutrire Trento/Feeding Trento

Nutrire Trento is promoted by the Municipality and the University of Trento, with the aim of searching for solutions to the three major food paradoxes of today: Hunger vs. Obesity | Food vs. Fuel | Waste vs. Starvation. It involves farmers, consumers, civil society groups, researchers and local administrators around the goal of improving the quality of food that supplies the city and provide fair remuneration in the local food chain. To this end, a digital platform was created mapping farmers, local and organic food markets, specialized stores, consumer groups and urban and social gardens in the in the Trento area. 

News from the living lab

The project was co-financed by the NCBR, BMEL, MIPAAF, RCN and DEFRA within the framework of ERA-NET SUSFOOD and ERA-NET CORE Organic Cofund Joint Call program