Setting the framework

On 28th July 2022 representatives of the FOOdIVERSE project had a fruitful meeting with the Food Policy Council of Gießen. The discussion resulted in two possible topics to jointly work on within the framework of FOOdIVERSE:

First, we might investigate and experiment how to increase the share of organic and regional food in public catering and canteens like schools, day care, hospitals and elderly homes. To realize this goal political support might be necessary. One task of the Living Lab could be to experiment on this issue in the municipality with the aim of changing terms of provisioning.

A second goal can be to find out which role seasonal gardens can play in the transformation of the food system. To reach this goal, collecting more information (amongst others) about participants might be necessary. As well as gathering data whether their diet or consumption patterns changed.

The decision on which topic we will focus on will be made in one of our joint future meetings.

The project was co-financed by the NCBR, BMEL, MIPAAF, RCN and DEFRA within the framework of ERA-NET SUSFOOD and ERA-NET CORE Organic Cofund Joint Call program